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Christmas On the Web

Christmas On the Web

Posted By: Elaine Times Read: 930

(source: http://hypervocal.com/culture/2012/22-cases-of-christmas-apathy)

Right around December 15th it sets in: that sinking feeling that you will not get done all of the things you wanted to do for the Christmas holiday. This neighbor handled it with humour. You cannot help but smile when you see his sign. :-) But, no matter. Whether you get all of your holiday tasks completed before Christmas or not, celebrating the birth of our Saviour and sharing time with loved ones is what really counts.

Part of the holiday fun for me involves checking out other websites with decorating ideas and fun things to do with my grands. Here is brief list of the sites I love:


https://www.carols.org.uk/ - lyrics to 30 most popular, traditional Christmas songs

https://www.whychristmas.com/ - Christmas info, music and activities**

https://realchristmastrees.org/all-about-trees/tree-characteristics/ -  helpful info if you put up a live Christmas tree  but I think it needs pics

http://www.victoriana.com/christmas  - a blast from the Victorian past

https://www.123greetings.com/events/christmas/ - send a virtual Christmas greeting card

https://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/christmas/ - grade-level estimate for this page: 2nd - 3rd

http://www.holidays.net/christmas/index.htm  Nice blend of information and selling

Northpole.com http://www.northpole.com/Stories/ totally secular site with activities for kids

Do you have a favorite internet Christmas site that you'd like me to add here? Use the comments area below to send me the address and I will check it out.

Tags: Christmas websites with decorating ideas and fun things to do


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