I love Christmas and look forward to the entire holiday season from November to mid- January. It is truly the most wonderful time of the year. The Christmas tree usually goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving and reluctantly comes down mid-January. If I had a larger home, I would have more than one tree. Christmas music - from country to traditional (preferred) to classical - plays in the background from the beginning of November until the day I take down the tree. I love hearing the Messiah and classical Christmas music before Thanksgiving, my favorite vocals until 6 pm Christmas eve, gentle/jazz Christmas eve and days thereafter until the holiday feeling passes and life returns to 'normal' - whatever that is. :-)
In my I Love Christmas decorating blog you will find decorating tips, ideas and instructions for the Christmas decorations that I made for myself, clients, family and friends. Have fun looking at the articles. Then, try some of these ideas yourself.
I've also added my discontinued eBay buying guides for Le Creuset cookware and Griffith Laboratories spice jars because that valuable info was gathered over the course of a few years and should be made available to buyers and collectors of both products.
I will be adding more of my ideas and tips as well as useful resources, beautiful ideas, and tips from across the Internet. Feel free to link to it, ( I Love ChristmasTM Decorating Blog ) try some of my ideas and share this site with the Christmas lovers in your life. :-)