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The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Christmas: the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Largely due to the influence of Christianity I think the places where Christmas is truly celebrated become much nicer for those few days out of the year: the friendly become a bit more friendly - the loving more loving and the generous even more so. Add to that the lights, decorations, beautiful Christmas music and the holiness of the celebration, it is truly the most wonderful time of the year. :-)
Some of my favorite childhood holiday memories include:
- memorizing the Night Before Christmas and reciting it at the company Christmas party of my father;
- watching Christmas cartoons in the 8 pm family hour: Amahl and the Night Visitors, Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, The Little Drummer Boy;
- memorizing an acting part or Bible verses for the Sunday School Christmas play;
- the excitement when dad brought home the tree and hung it out the bathroom window to keep it fresh;
- the year my dad made us all help him peel fruit for the fruitcakes he sold on his job to earn extra money. Cannot look at a fruitcake now much less eat a slice. :-)
- we kids decorating the Christmas tree together;
- Christmas music playing on the old stereo with our dad humming, mother singing;
- the candelabra mother put in the windows year after year;
- the smell of pine permeating the house after the tree was put up;
- the silver holiday tinsel - pretend icicles - always the last thing to go on the tree. Do they still make it?? :-)
- Christmas day when our grandparents came bringing gifts and hugs;
- being relegated to the children's table; then being old enough to sit at the adult table;
- the elderly aunt who always gave all of us underwear or socks;
- the year Nat King Cole sang "O Tannenbaum" in German on his television show. Rumor had it, no "Negro" could do it or do it without making a mistake. Scoffers were making bets, the media used the doubts of other popular singers to show their scorn. He sang it perfectly, did not mispronounce any words and it was beautiful;
- the family piling in the car and driving around the neighborhoods to see the Christmas decorations. In those days, almost everyone decorated their home in some way - even if it was just a candle or wreath in the window.
- sneaking downstairs and sitting on the steps Christmas eve listening to the music and hoping to catch Santa;
- the smell of holiday cookies, cakes and pies baking by our mother in the kitchen Christmas eve;
- the smell of turkey cooking overnight or if Christmas was on a Sunday, greeting us when we came home from church;
- the wonder of the pie or cookies left out for Santa with one bite missing Christmas morning;
- the Lionel train running around the base of the tree - complete with smoke from the engine;
- huge delicious apples in our stockings,
- clove-studded oranges and cinammon sticks warming on the stove to scent the air;
- colorful hard Christmas candies and shelled nuts (walnuts, brazil nuts, almonds, pecans) with a nutcracker set out for company;
- the bayberry candle lit at midnight Christmas eve which burned all Christmas day supposedly for good luck in the new year;
- and so much more...
Christmas time can also be stressful and memories a mixed blessing for those whose family of origin does not reflect the love of God in any meaningful way. If instead of being loved and cared for, you were physically /emotionally abused, demeaned, ignored or mistreated, Christmas time can be a reminder of times that were not so good - even depressing.
I am a firm believer that God always provides love, even in that situation. God works His good through people who choose to be and do good to others. Think back on your childhood. Was there a teacher who cared about you, a friend or neighbor who took you in without criticism, an aunt or uncle or grandparent who loved you unconditionally? That, my friend, was God in His own quiet way affirming your value to Him in spite of the negativity of people or the pain in your circumstances. His love never ends. If you will open your heart to Him and receive the salvation and forgiveness of God purchased for us by Jesus Christ through His death on the cross, burial and resurrection, His love will change you forever.
Take some time this Christmas to open your heart and your hands. Think of a lovingly handmade or specially chosen gift that you can give to someone with no strings attached - no expectation of a return. Bake a batch of good cookies; give a small gift to someone who is alone; make something for someone who will appreciate a hand-made gift. There are a myriad of small ways to extend the love of God to someone who needs it. Know that the God of Creation, who knows you and sees all, will ultimately reward your deeds of kindness and love.
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